Tuesday, December 22, 2009


KEPADA seluruh mahasiswa d3 set2 unsoed, bahwa untuk materi ujian semester utama materi yang akan diujikan bisa didownload di email saya yakni di, selamat browsing

Sunday, May 3, 2009

soal mid semster

itu soal mid semester yang anda kerjakan, coba perhatikan point b, dimana anda diminta menulis tanda fontetik dan stenogramnya, lalu lihat point c, anda diminta menulis tanda fonetik dan latinnya, gimana jawaban yang benar? akan saya tampilkan 2 hari mendatang, see u

Thursday, April 16, 2009

ujian sisipan stenografi inggris

mempersiapkan ujian sisipan stenografi inggris yang akan dilaksanakan tanggal 1 mei 2009 jam 08.00 sampai dengan 09.45. soal yang akan kami tampilkan ada 3 sesi yaitu latin, tanda fonetik, dan stenogram, sehingga mahasiswa dimohon untuk mencermati ujian ini, artinya bahwa sumber dari stenografi adalah menulis steno dari apa yang dibunyikan/diucapkan oleh nara sumber, sehingga apabila anda mengerjakan soal ke dalam tanda fonetik dan stenogram, maka kerjakan terlebih dahulu stenogram baru tanda fonetik, kemudian kalo anda mengerjakan dari tanda fonetik disalin ke dalam stenogram dan , maka kerjakan stenogram dulu baru latin, begitu juga kalo anda mengerjakan stenogram disalin ke dalam tanda fonetik dan latin, maka kerjakan tanda fonetik dahulu lalu latin

Friday, April 10, 2009

about cancelling colleg

kepada mahasiswa d3 set 06 dan 07 yang kami hormati, mohon maaf sebelumnya selasa kemarin saya ndak bisa mengisi perkuliahan karena sebab teknis, sehingga otomatis utang perkuliahan ini akan saya lunasi minggu depan, pastinya hari selasa tanggal 14 april 2009 dan sebagai pengganti selasa kemarin, akan saya isi pada hari jum'at 17 april 2009 jam 13.00, semoga bisa dimaklumi, see u later

Friday, April 3, 2009


untuk maju mempelajari buku stenografi inggris, anda masih perlu bertanya pada diri sendiri, apakah sudah mengausai unit-unit yang terangkai pada pengucapan dan penulisan tanda fonetik. seperti halnya bab sebelumnya, bab ini akan menitikberatkan pada penguasaan membaca dan menulis berdasarkan tanda fonetik. akan tetapi dalam bab ini masih ditambah denagn latihan penguasaan menulis kata-kata bahasa inggris dengan ejaan yang benar. dalam mempelajari stenografi kemampuan menulis steno, membaca kembali tulisan steno dan latihan memegang peranan penting. oleh karena itu dalam bab ini akan dicoba untuk melatih menguasai ketiga kemampuan tersebut. mengingat bahwa tulisan bahasa inggris dan cara untuk membacanya berbeda jauh, maka agar dapat ditulis dengan steno sistem karundeng perlu mendalami ucapan melalui tanda fonetik, membaca kata-kata, kalimat bahasa inggris dengan ucapan yang benar. untuk menyalin kembali tulisan steno ke bahasa inggris memerlukan kemampuan menulis dengan ejaan yang benar.
bab ini bermaksud mengajak anda untuk melatih steno bahasa inggris agar makin lama anda merasa yakin akan kemampuan menguasai penulisan, membaca dan juga menulis tulisan steno ke dalam Bahasa inggris dengan ejaan yang benar. sekali lagi perlu ditegaskan apa yang disarankan disini adalah merupakan salah satu cara untuk mencapai tingkat profesional di bidang stenografi bahasa inggris. agar tujuan tersebut dapat dicapai maka perlu mengikuti pola penggunaan bab ini dengan pedoman sebagai berikut : anda wajib menyelesaikan tiap unit secara berurutan sesuai dengan latihan yang disajikan untuk setiap pokok bahasan. memahami tujuan umum dan tujuan khusus, memahami pendahuluan, menyelesaikan latihan-latihan hendanknya berurutan dengan bertahap, untuk pindah dari unit satu ke unit yang lain hendaknya anda lakukan setelah yakin benar telah menguasai, selesaikan soal evaluasi setelah anda mempelajarai dan melakukan latihan yang terdapat di dalam pokok bahasan.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

pertemuan ke lima

mudah-mudahan pertemuan kelima ini bisa lebih bermanfaat

Monday, March 23, 2009

Web Site Counter

Free Counter

Tuesday, March 17, 2009



Gregg shorthand is a phonetic writing system, which means it records the sounds of the speaker, not the English spelling. It uses the f stroke for the IPA: /f/ sound in funnel, telephone, and laugh. All silent letters are omitted. The image on the right shows the strokes of Gregg Shorthand Simplified. The system is written from left to right and the letters are joined. Sh (= IPA: /ʃ/) (and zh = IPA: /ʒ/), Ch (= IPA: /ʧ/), and J (or Dzh, = IPA: /ʤ/) are written downward, while t and d are written upward. X (IPA: /ks/) is expressed by putting a slight backward slant on the s symbol, though a word beginning ex is just written as if spelt es (and, according to Pre-Anniversary, ox is written as if os). W when in the middle of a word, is notated with a short dash under the next vowel. Therefore, the letter Q (= IPA: /kw/) is usually written as k with a dash underneath the next vowel. In Anniversary and before, if z need be distinguished from s, a small tick drawn at a right angle from the s may be written to make this distinction.

Many of the letters shown are also what are called "brief forms". For instance, instead of writing hwech (The dot for the h in wh is practiced in all systems before Diamond Jubilee) for "which" (= IPA: /hwɪʧ/), the Gregg stenographer just writes ch. These brief forms are shown on the image to the right. There are several others not shown, however. For instance, "please" is written in Simplified and back as simply pl, and "govern" as gv. These brief forms can make Gregg shorthand much faster.


Gregg shorthand

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Gregg shorthand is a form of shorthand that was invented by John Robert Gregg in 1888. Like cursive longhand, it is completely based on elliptical figures and lines that bisect them. Gregg shorthand is the most popular form of pen stenography in the United States and its Spanish adaptation is fairly popular in Latin America. With the invention of dictation machines, shorthand machines, and the practice of executives writing their own letters on their personal computers, however, the use of shorthand gradually declined in the business world.

Several editions of this system were published: Pre-Anniversary, which includes the first five editions, the first being first published in two small paper-covered pamphlets in 1888, the second being published in 1893, the third in book form in 1897, the fourth being published in 1903, and the fifth being published in 1916; Anniversary, a revised and simplified form published in 1929, called Anniversary because it was to be published on the fortieth anniversary of the system (1928), but there was some delay in publication; Simplified, a version created in 1949, in which many of the principles and memorized forms were removed or simplified due to findings of studies by the publishers and suggestions of many shorthand teachers; Diamond Jubilee, published in 1963, again simplified from the Simplified version; Series 90, published in 1978, which brought even more simplifications to the system; and Centennial, published in 1988, with several similarities to the Diamond Jubilee system earlier. Besides these main editions, which were designed for the dictation speeds expected of any shorthand system of the time, a number of simpler, general/personal-use editions were published from 1924 to 1968. These included "Junior" in 1924, "Greghand" in 1935, and "Notehand" in 1960 and 1968.

Gregg is often contrasted to Pitman shorthand, as the two share huge predominance over other English shorthand systems. Pitman uses line thickness and position to discriminate between two similar sounds, but Gregg shorthand uses the same thickness throughout and discriminates between similar sounds by the length of the stroke. Gregg shorthand has also been adapted for several other languages. John Robert Gregg was originally a teacher of a Duployé shorthand adaptation to English (Duployé shorthand is the dominant system in France, and also featured uniform thickness and attached vowels). However, he found the angular outlines of Duployé-based systems to be detrimental to speed; Gregg shorthand features cursive strokes which can be naturally blended without sharp angles. In addition, because the symbols of Gregg shorthand are developed especially for English rather than adapted from a French system, they are a better fit for the language (for example, Gregg has a symbol for th (IPA: /θ/) whereas the Duployan systems would use a dotted t, which takes longer to write).

steno inggris versi gregg

berikut kami petikkan shorthand versi gregg dari wikipedia

Gregg shorthand is a phonetic writing system, which means it records the sounds of the speaker, not the English spelling. It uses the f stroke for the IPA: /f/ sound in funnel, telephone, and laugh. All silent letters are omitted. The image on the right shows the strokes of Gregg Shorthand Simplified. The system is written from left to right and the letters are joined. Sh (= IPA: /ʃ/) (and zh = IPA: /ʒ/), Ch (= IPA: /ʧ/), and J (or Dzh, = IPA: /ʤ/) are written downward, while t and d are written upward. X (IPA: /ks/) is expressed by putting a slight backward slant on the s symbol, though a word beginning ex is just written as if spelt es (and, according to Pre-Anniversary, ox is written as if os). W when in the middle of a word, is notated with a short dash under the next vowel. Therefore, the letter Q (= IPA: /kw/) is usually written as k with a dash underneath the next vowel. In Anniversary and before, if z need be distinguished from s, a small tick drawn at a right angle from the s may be written to make this distinction.
Many of the letters shown are also what are called "brief forms". For instance, instead of writing hwech (The dot for the h in wh is practiced in all systems before Diamond Jubilee) for "which" (= IPA: /hwɪʧ/), the Gregg stenographer just writes ch. These brief forms are shown on the image to the right. There are several others not shown, however. For instance, "please" is written in Simplified and back as simply pl, and "govern" as gv. These brief forms can make Gregg shorthand much faster.
Another mechanism for increasing the speed of shorthand is phrasing. Based on the calculation that lifting the pen between words has a speed cost equivalent to one stroke, phrasing is the combination of several smaller distinct forms into one outline, for example "it may be that the" could be written in one outline, "(tm)ab(th)a(th)". "I have not been able" would be written, "avnba" (Note that to the eye of the reader this phrase written in shorthand looks like "I-have-not-been-able", and so phrasing is far more legible than a longhand explanation of the principle may lead one to believe).
The vowels in Gregg shorthand are divided into three main groups that very rarely require further notation. The a is a large circle, and can stand for the a in "apple" (IPA: /æ/), "father" (IPA: /ɑ/), and "ache" (IPA: /eɪ/). The e is a small circle, and can stand for the e in feed (IPA: /iː/) and help (IPA: /ɛ/), the i in trim (IPA: /ɪ/) and marine (IPA: /iː/), and the obscure vowel in her and learn (IPA: /ɜ/ or IPA: /ɝ/). The ī represents the i in fine (IPA: /ɑɪ/). The o is a small hook that represents the al in talk (IPA: /ɔː/), the o in cone (IPA: /əʊ/ or IPA: /oʊ/), jot (IPA: /ɒ/ or IPA: /ɑ/ or IPA: /ɔ/), and order (IPA: /ɔ(ɹ)/). The u is a tiny hook that expresses the three vowel sounds heard in the words who (IPA: /uː/), up (IPA: /ʌ/), and foot (IPA: /ʊ/). It also expresses a w at the beginning of a word. In "Anniversary," short and long vowel sounds for e, a, o and u may be distinguished by a mark under the vowel, a dot for short and a small downward tick for long sounds.
There are special vowel markings for certain diphthongs. The ow in how (IPA: /aʊ/) is just an a circle followed by an u hook. The io in lion (IPA: /ɑɪə/) is written with a small circle inside a large circle. The ia in piano (IPA: /iæ/) and repudiate (IPA: /ieɪ/) is notated as a large circle with a dot in its center (In Anniversary and back, if ea need be distinguished from ia, it is notated with a small downward tick inside the circle instead of the dot). The u in united (IPA: /juː/) is notated with a small circle followed by an u hook above it.
Due to the very simple alphabet, Gregg shorthand is very fast in writing. It takes a great deal of practice, however, to master it. Speeds of 280 WPM (where a word is 1.4 syllables) have been reached with this simple system before, and those notes are still legible to anyone else who knows the system.
Some left-handed shorthand writers have found it more comfortable to write Gregg shorthand from right to left. This is called "mirrored shorthand" and was in practice by a few people throughout the life of Gregg shorthand. However, left-handed writers can still write Gregg shorthand from left to right with considerable ease.
[edit] Versions of Gregg shorthand
Throughout the history of Gregg shorthand, numerous different forms of Gregg have been created. All the systems are similar and use the same alphabet, but they differ in memory load and speed. Pre-Anniversary is the fastest, and most condensed version, but it also has the largest memory load. Series 90 Gregg has the smallest memory load, but it is also the slowest version of Gregg.
[edit] Pre-Anniversary Gregg shorthand
Pre-Anniversary Gregg was first published in 1888 by John Robert Gregg himself. However, it was in a very primal stage, and therefore did not gain much success. Five years later, a much better version was published. This version was published in a book entitled "Gregg Shorthand" in 1897. This version of Gregg has been deemed the hardest due to its large number of brief forms and phrases. This version is known for its large number of "common" affixes, brief forms and phrases, such as a prefix for "patri-".
[edit] Anniversary Gregg shorthand
In 1929 another version of Gregg shorthand was published. This system reduced the memory load on its learners by decreasing the number of brief forms to 318, and removing uncommon prefixes. Regardless of the deletions, this system was still incredibly efficient. Most Gregg literature uses this series.
[edit] Simplified Gregg shorthand
Simplified Gregg shorthand was published in 1949. The manual for this version of Gregg was still available to be purchased through McGraw-Hill until recently. It is now available under the ISBN 0077072502. This system reduced the number of brief forms that needed to be memorized drastically to only 181. Even with this reduction in the number of brief forms, one could still reach speeds upward of 150 WPM. Many people find this system has the best balance in terms of memory load without sacrificing speed.

koreksi atas pertemuan ke tiga

Mengupas pertemuan ketiga stenografi inggris
Pagi tadi sudah terlaksana pertemuan ketiga, namun harus diakui masih banyak dari mahasiswa yang kurang dalam memahami steno inggris, sekali lagi perlu ditegaskan bahwa penulisan steno berdasarkan apa yang anda ucapkan (pronounciation), bukan latin asli steno, sehingga kedengaran lebih mudah.
Sebagai contoh : asli kata make, dibaca meik maka tulisan steno berdasarkan meik, sedangkan stenogram sudah anda pelajari dalam steno Indonesia system karundeng, sama saja stenonya.
Apakah analogi ini bisa anda pahami ?
Kalo sudah, maka sekarang anda hanya perlu lebih memotivasi diri untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa inggris, bisa melalui film berbahasa inggris, syukur bisa praktek langsung dengan native speaker, memahami kamus, memahami buku tenses bahasa inggris, lagu inggris, radio dalam diskusi bahasa inggris, dan sebagainya terserah yang paling anda sukai.
Setelah itu, praktekkan ke dalam penulisan steno inggris, maka anda akan menjadi master steno,
Kuncinya adalah : penulisan steno harus cenderung miring ke kanan, ada yang 70 derajat, atau 45 derajat, why? Karena steno adalah shorthand, maka stenogram harus cenderung cepat, dan untuk bisa lebih cepat maka harus miring ke kanan, tidak boleh tegak lurus, apalagi miring ke kiri. (aarrggghhhh)
Tulislah setiap stenogram minimal satu baris dengan kestabilan yang terjaga, baik kemiringan , ukuran huruf steno dan ketebalannya, dalam menyambung huruf steno harus dengan satu gerakan bukan putus-putus, biasakanlah menggunakan pensil terlebih dahulu sampai anda mahir, baru boleh menggunakan pen, kenapa tidak langsung dengan pen? Karena penulisan steno cenderung salah dan harus berulang-ulang sehingga akan lebih indah menggunakan pensil, selain itu aliran isi pensil lebih terjaga, tidak seperti pen yang nrocos tanpa kompromi sehingga akan cenderung rusak stenogramnya.
Apakah analogi kedua ini bisa anda pahami?
Well, kita bahas task berikutnya , yakni peraturan menyingkat dan singkatan tetap. Ini bukan hal yang mudah juga bukan hal yang terlalu sulit, sehingga diperlukan kewaspadaan dan keteletian extra anda.
Perbedaan dan persamaan peraturan menyingkat dan singkatan tetap
Perbedaannya adalah : peraturan menyingkat , anda bisa mengembangkan sendiri berdasarkan pedoman umum cara menyingkat huruf steno, sementara singkatan tetap, maka sudah tidak ada tawar menawar dalam menentukan singkatan
Persamaannya adalah : sama-sama untuk meringkas huruf steno sehingga diharapkan stenogram lebih cepat dan bisa mengikuti pembicara atau sumber bicara, mengikuti imla yang diberikan dan sebagainya.
Sampai berjumpa kembali dalam kupasan steno inggris berikutnya . see you

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

menyiapkan pertemuan ketiga

untuk pertemuan ketiga nanti, marilah kita berpikir positif, bahwa anda semua bisa menulis steno dengan baik, sekali lagi kuncinya adalah pengucapan. kalo pengucapannya benar maka tulisan stenopun pasti benar,namun bila salah bisa dipastikan stenogrampun pasti salah.
contoh : an am a be by bye cook cake taste bike maka kalo diucapkan akan berbunyi :
aen aem e dibalik bi bai bai ku:k keik teist baik, sehingga stenogram mengikuti bunyi.
apakah bisa dipahami logika ini?
selamat belajar

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

komentar pertemuan kedua

melihat hasil pertemuan kedua selasa kemarin, kami berkesimpulan bahwa mahasiswa umumnya masih bingung dlam persambungan dan bentuk yang tepat dari stenografi inggris,memang biasanya masih terbawa indonesia, namun disinilah letak keunikan steno inggris bahwa apa yang ditulis adalah apa yang diucapkan, sementara yang diucapkan harus ditulis dulu dalam tanda fonetik. stenogram bersumber dari fonetik yang sudah ditulis, mudah kan logikanya?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

steno itu mudah

pertama adalah mengetahui ukuran huruf steno, huruf steno terbagi dalam empat ruang yaitu :
0 ruang (satu garis)
1 ruang (dua garis)
2 ruang (tiga garis)
3 ruang (empat garis)
huruf-huruf yang termasuk dalam 0 ruang adalah :
e, o, r, ng, huruf-huruf tersebut hanya melekat di garis, tidak sampai menyentuh garis kedua.
huruf-huruf yang termasuk dalam 1 ruang adalah :
l, ny, a, x, h, n, m,e (untuk contoh kata kelompok)
huruf-huruf tersebut bentuknya menyentuh antara garis pertama dengan garis kedua
huruf-huruf yang termasuk dalam 2 ruang adalah :
b, c, d, g, i, j, k, p, q, s, t, u, ukurannya adalah 3 garis, bentuknya ada yang melintang, melengkung, membujur , menegak dan sebagainya. kebanyakan huruf steno berukuran 2 ruang ini
huruf-huruf yang termasuk dalam 3 ruang adalah :
f, v, w, y, sy, dan huruf-huruf diftong,

Persambungan huruf.
dilihat dari bentuknya, maka persambungan huruf steno terbagi menjadi 3 persambungan yaitu :
persambungan runcing (patah)
persambungan tumpul (lekuk)
persambungan lingkar (bundar)
kita mulai dari persambungan pertama yaitu persambungan patah,
dalam persambungan ini bisa dianalogikan bahwa huruf depan bersambung dengan huruf berikutnya ujungnya sama-sama runcing, contoh at; to; axe dan sebagainya
sementara persambungan tumpul adalah persambungan yang timbul dari huruf depan runcing dengan huruf berikutnya yang lengkung (atau sebaliknya), contoh : go, do, am, dan sebagainya.
sedangkan persambungan lingkar adalah persambungan yang membentuk lingkaran kecil. sebagai contoh so, us, up, dan sebagainya.

begitulah bentuk-bentuk persambungan, kita jumpa lagi di lema berikutnya, see you to the next chapter

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

history of steno

Shorthand is an abbreviated symbolic writing method that increases speed or brevity of writing as compared to a normal method of writing a language. The process of writing in shorthand is called stenography, from the Greek stenos (narrow) and graphē or graphie (writing). It has also been called brachygraphy, from Greek brachys (short) and tachygraphy, from Greek tachys (swift, speedy), depending on whether compression or speed of writing is the goal.
Many forms of shorthand exist. A typical shorthand system provides symbols or abbreviations for words and common phrases, which can allow someone well trained in the system to write as quickly as people speak. Abbreviation methods are alphabet-based and use different abbreviating approaches. Speedwriting by Emma Dearborn requires memorization of a unique abbreviation to a corresponding word.
Shorthand was used more widely in the past, before the invention of recording and dictation machines. Until recently, shorthand was considered an essential part of secretarial training as well as being useful for journalists. Although the primary use of shorthand has been to record oral dictation or discourse, some systems are used for compact expression. For example, health-care professionals may use shorthand notes in medical charts and correspondence. Shorthand notes are typically temporary, intended either for immediate use, or for later transcription to longhand, although longer term uses do exist: diaries (like that of the famous Samuel Pepys), being a common example.
[edit] Classical Antiquity
The earliest known indication of shorthand systems is from Ancient Greece, namely the Acropolis stone (Akropolisstein) from mid-4th century BC. The marble slab shows a writing system primarily based on vowels, using certain modifications to indicate consonants.
Hellenistic tachygraphy is reported from the 2nd century BC onwards, though there are indications that it might be older. The oldest datable reference is a contract from Middle Egypt, stating that Oxyrhynchos gives his Greek slave to the "semeiographer" Apollonios for two years to be taught shorthand writing. Hellenistic tachygraphy consisted of word stem signs and word ending signs. Over time, many syllabic signs were developed.
In Ancient Rome, Marcus Tullius Tiro (103 BC–4 BC), a slave and later a freedman of Cicero, developed the Tironian notes so he could write down Cicero's speeches. The Tironian notes consisted of word stem abbreviations (notae) and of word ending abbreviations (titulae). The original Tironian notes consisted of about 4000 signs but new signs were introduced so that their number might increase to as many as 13,000. In order to have a less complex writing system, a syllabic shorthand script was used sometimes.
It is possible that the use of shorthand in antiquity was associated in some way with the Art of Memory, which used notae, in combination with memorized places and images, as the basis of mnemonic training in the rhetorical tradition. Shorthand notae may have also been an integral part of a 'magical' art of memory, the Ars Notoria.[1]
After the decline of the Roman Empire, the Tironian notes were not used any more to transcribe speeches, though they were still known and taught, particularly during the Carolingian Renaissance. After the 11th century, however, they were mostly forgotten.
When many monastery libraries were secularized in the course of the 16th century Protestant Reformation, long-forgotten manuscripts of Tironian notes were rediscovered.
[edit] Imperial China
In imperial China, clerks used an abbreviated, highly cursive form of characters to record court proceedings and criminal confessions. These records were used to create more formal transcripts. One cornerstone of imperial court proceedings was that all confessions had to be acknowledged by the accused's signature, personal seal, or thumbprint, requiring fast writing. Versions of this technique survived in clerical professions into the 20th century A.D.
[edit] Modern Europe and America
An interest in shorthand or "short-writing" developed towards the end of the 16th century in England. In 1588 Timothy Bright published his Characterie; An Arte of Shorte, Swifte and Secrete Writing by Character which introduced a system with 500 arbitrary signs resembling words. Bright's book was followed by a number of others, including John Willis's Art of Stenography in 1602, Edmond Willis's An abbreviation of writing by character in 1618, and Thomas Shelton's Short Writing in 1626 (later re-issued as Tachygraphy).
Shelton's system became very popular and is well known because it was used by Samuel Pepys for his diary and for many of his official papers, such as his letter copy books. It was also used by Sir Isaac Newton in some of his notebooks. Shelton borrowed heavily from his predecessors, especially Edmond Willis. Each consonant was represented by an arbitrary but simple symbol, while the five vowels were represented by the relative positions of the surrounding consonants. Thus the symbol for B with symbol for T drawn directly above it represented "bat", while B with T below it meant "but"; top-right represented "e", middle-right "i", and lower-right "o". A vowel at the end of a word was represented by a dot in the appropriate position, while there were additional symbols for initial vowels. This basic system was supplemented by further symbols representing common prefixes and suffixes.
One drawback of Shelton's system was that there was no way to distinguish long and short vowels or diphthongs; so the b-a-t sequence could mean "bat", or "bait", or "bate", while b-o-t might mean "boot", or "bought", or "boat". The reader needed to use the context to work out which alternative was meant. The main advantage of the system was that it was easy to learn and to use. It was extremely popular, and under the two titles of Short Writing and Tachygraphy, Shelton's book ran to more than 20 editions between 1626 and 1710.
Shelton's chief rivals were Theophilus Metcalfe's Stenography or Short Writing (1633) which was in its "55th edition" by 1721, and Jeremiah Rich's system of 1654, which was published under various titles including The penns dexterity compleated (1669). Another notable English shorthand system creator of the 17th century was William Mason (fl. 1672-1709) who published Arts Advancement in 1682.
Modern-looking geometric shorthand was introduced with John Byrom's New Universal Shorthand of 1720. Samuel Taylor published a similar system in 1786, the first English shorthand system to be used all over the English-speaking world. Thomas Gurney published Brachygraphy in the mid-18th century.

Tombstone of Heinrich Roller, inventor of a German shorthand system, with a sample of his shorthand
In 1834 in German, Franz Xaver Gabelsberger published his Gabelsberger shorthand. Gabelsberger, who ignored the English stenography tradition, based his shorthand not on geometrical shapes but on the shapes used in handwriting script.
Taylor's system was superseded by Pitman shorthand, first introduced in 1837 by Sir Isaac Pitman, M.P., and improved many times since. Pitman's system has been used all over the English-speaking world and has been adapted to many other languages, including Latin. Pitman's system uses a phonemic orthography. For this reason, it is sometimes known as phonography, meaning 'sound writing' in Greek. One of the reasons this system allows fast transcription is that vowel sounds are optional when only consonants are needed to determine a word. The availability of a full range of vowel symbols, however, makes possible complete accuracy.
Pitman shorthand is still in widespread use, but in the USA and some other parts of the world it has been largely superseded by the Gregg shorthand that was first published in 1888 by John Robert Gregg. This system was influenced by the handwriting shapes Gabelsberger had introduced. Gregg's shorthand, like Pitman's, is phonetic, but has the simplicity of being "light-line". While Pitman's system uses thick and thin strokes to distinguish related sounds, Gregg's uses only thin strokes and makes some of the same distinctions by the length of the stroke.
The record for fast writing with Pitman shorthand is 350 wpm during a two-minute test by Nathan Behrin in 1922, although this result has been questioned.[citation needed]
[edit] Classification
[edit] Geometric and script systems
Geometric shorthand is based on circles, parts of circles, and straight lines placed strictly horizontally, vertically or diagonally. The first modern shorthand systems were geometric. Examples include Pitman Shorthand, Boyd's Syllabic Shorthand, Samuel Taylor's Universal Stenography and the Duployan system used in French which formed the basis for the Inuktitut, Cree and Kamloops Wawa (used for Chinook Jargon) writing systems.[citation needed]
Script shorthand is based on the motions of ordinary handwriting. The first system of this type was published under the title Cadmus Britanicus by Simon Bordley, in 1787. However, the first practical system was the German Gabelsberger shorthand of 1834. This class of system is now common in all more recent German shorthand systems, Austria, Italy, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, other Eastern European countries, Russia, and elsewhere.
Script-Geometric, or semi-script shorthand is based on the ellipse. It can be considered a compromise between the geometric systems and the script systems. The first such system was that of George Carl Märes in 1885. However, the most successful system of this type was the one introduced by John Robert Gregg in 1888, who had studied not only the geometric English systems, but also the German Stolze stenography, a script shorthand. Other examples include Teeline Shorthand and Thomas Natural Shorthand.
[edit] Systems resembling standard writing
Some shorthand systems attempted to ease learning by using characters from the Latin alphabet. Such systems have often been described as alphabetic, and purists might claim that such systems are not 'true' shorthand. However, these non-symbol systems do have value for students who cannot dedicate the years necessary to master a symbol shorthand. Non-symbol shorthands cannot be written at the speeds theoretically possible with symbol systems - 200 words per minute or more - but require only a fraction of the time to acquire a useful speed of between 60 and 100 words per minute.
Non-symbol systems often supplement alphabetic characters by using punctuation marks as additional characters, giving special significance to capitalised letters, and sometimes using additional non-alphabetic symbols. Examples of such systems include Stenoscript, Stenospeed, Speedwriting, Forkner shorthand, Quickhand and Alpha Hand. However, there are some pure alphabetic systems, including Personal Shorthand, SuperWrite, Easy Script Speed Writing, and Agiliwriting, which limit their symbols to purely alphabetic characters. These have the added advantage that they can also be typed - for instance, onto a computer, PDA, or cellphone. Interestingly, early editions of Speedwriting were also adapted so that they could be written on a typewriter, and therefore would possess the same advantage.
[edit] Varieties of vowel representation
Shorthand systems can be classified according to the way that vowels are represented:
• expression by 'normal' vowel signs (with no fundamental distinction between vowel signs and consonant signs), e.g. in Gregg;
• expression of the first vowel by the height of the word in relation to the line, no necessary expression of subsequent vowels, e.g. in Pitman (with optional expression of the vowels by detached diacritics added to the word);
• expression of the vowels by the width of the joining stroke that leads to the following consonant sign, the height of the following consonant sign in relation to the preceding one, and the line pressure of the following consonant sign, e.g. in most German shorthand systems;
• use of detached vowel signs, such as dots, ticks and other marks, written around the consonant signs;
• no expression of the individual vowels at all except for a dot before the word for any initial vowel and a dot after the word for any ending vowel, e.g. in Taylor (in which alphabet is spelled ’lfbt);
• expression of a vowel by the shape of a stroke, with the consonant indicated by orientation, e.g. in Boyd.
[edit] Machine shorthand systems
Traditional shorthand systems are written on paper with a stenographic pencil or a stenographic pen. Some consider that only these are shorthand systems strictly speaking.
Machine shorthand is a common term for writing produced by a stenotype, a specialized keyboard. However, there are other shorthand machines used worldwide, including: Velotype; Palantype in the UK; Grandjean Stenotype, used extensively in France and French-speaking countries; Michela Stenotype, used extensively in Italy; and Stenokey, used in Bulgaria and elsewhere. See also Speech-to-Text Reporter a person using a form of realtime shorthand originally designed to assist deaf people.
[edit] Common modern English shorthand systems
One of the most widely known forms of shorthand is still the Pitman method described above, originally developed by Isaac Pitman in 1837. Isaac's brother Benn Pitman, who lived in Cincinnati, Ohio, was responsible for introducing the method to America. The method has been adapted for 15 languages. Although Pitman's method was extremely popular at first and is still commonly used, especially in the UK, its popularity has been superseded especially in the USA by the method developed by J.R. Gregg in 1888.
In the UK, Teeline shorthand is now more commonly taught and used than Pitman. Teeline is also the most common method of shorthand taught to New Zealand journalists, who typically require 80 words per minute to obtain certification. Teeline is the recommended system of the National Council for the Training of Journalists. Other less commonly used systems in the UK are Pitman 2000, PitmanScript, Speedwriting and Gregg.
Bezenšek Shorthand
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Bezenšek Shorthand
Type Shorthand

Spoken languages Bulgarian

Created by Anton Bezenšek

Time period 1923–today
Parent systems Gabelsberger shorthand
→ Bezenšek Shorthand

Note: This page may contain IPA phonetic symbols in Unicode.

Bezenšek Shorthand is a shorthand system, used for rapidly recording Bulgarian speech. The system was invented by the Slovene linguist Anton Bezenšek c. 1879. It is based on the Gabelsberger shorthand (used for German), so it is often referred to as the Gabelsberger–Bezenšek Shorthand. (More precisely, Bezenšek Shorthand is based on a system by Heger — one of Gabelsberger's students, who adapted the system for the Czech language.)
• 1 Overview
• 2 History
• 3 Criticism
• 4 Sources
• 5 See also

[edit] Overview

The letters from the Cyrillic alphabet, as written when isolated.
Bezenšek Shorthand has features of a phonetic system, though Bulgarian writing almost identically represents the sounds in speech. It is acceptable to replace certain closely related sounds with each other, for the sake of simplicity and speed, e. g. s for z, e for ya, svo for stvo, etc. The system is not an alphabetic one, but closer to a syllabic one, though many syllables are normally skipped. Vowels are usually not recorded as separate strokes, but are marked via modifying the preceding or following consonant, similarly to an abjad.
The shorthand's form is based on borrowings from natural longhand, as opposed to geometric or elliptical systems, such as Gregg and Pitman. The strokes are distinguishable by size, proportion, position (three of them: above, below, or on the base line), and shading (variation of thickness of strokes). Shading, normally used for marking an /a/ vowel, is nowadays difficult to achieve with a ballpoint pen, but at the time of invention was convenient for marking, using the then-ubiquitous pencils. Nevertheless, ambiguity is close to none, even when thickness is not marked, because words are easily recognizable from the context.
Several letters can be written in two different ways:
• The pairs of strokes for Ее /ɛ/, Фф /f/, and Тт /t/ can be used interchangeably.
• The first stroke for Зз /z/, Цц /ts/, and Уу /u/ is used only in the beginning of a word.
• The second stroke for Вв /v/ and Шш /ʃ/ can be used only in the end of a word.
• Both stroke for Аа /a/ can be used for an isolated (possibly an abbreviation) /a/, but only the second sign is used as part of a word. Note, that /a/ is normally marked by shading of the preceding consonant.
• One of connecting lines of Аа /a/ or Лл /l/ may be omitted when part of a word.
Йй /j/ and Ьь /j/ represent the same sound, so they share the same stroke.

Phrasing: even, more, even more, (even) more and more.
Сиглообразуване: (в)се, повече, все повече, все повече и повече.
The system has a set of compulsory abbreviations, called sigli (Bulgarian: сигли; singular: сигла, sigla), and recommends rules for forming free abbreviations. Punctuation consists only of a period, written as a small horizontal segment on the base line, because the dot, comma, question mark, exclamation mark, and others, have special meaning and could be confused with words. Colons and double quotes are acceptable, especially for beginners. Digits are similar to the Arabic numerals, except for 5 and 7, which can be written without a horizontal bar; also, special notation is normally applied for hundreds, thousands, and millions. Abbreviation of whole phrases into a single connected sequence of strokes is allowed and encouraged.
[edit] History
In 1878 Bulgaria was liberated from a five-century Ottoman rule, and a government was formed. Initially, discussions in Parliament were recorded by conventional scribes, and arguments about the accuracy of records were not uncommon. Slovenian linguist Bezenšek, who had already had experience with adapting shorthand to other Slavic languages, was invited. He accepted and came up with a solution, although he was not a proficient speaker of Bulgarian at first.
As the system developed, it required corrections, which Bezenšek coped with well. In the following decades, however, improvements were more and more difficult to make, hindered by new teachers who had already published books, that were then expensive to re-print. Most of those book authors had ideas about improvements of their own, but only a few could manage to gain control of the "official" version. The system became quite conservative, a lot of suggestions were rejected, including some proposed by Bezenšek himself. Some suggestions were rejected without even being taken into consideration. The existing system was announced unique, official, compulsory, and "best in the world". Competition was banned — a participant in a shorthand competition was once disqualified for using an alternative system.
Shortly after the Communist party took power in 1944, all existing shorthand organizations were dismissed, and the National Shorthand Institute was established. It kept on resisting reforms until the 1960s, when a contest was held. At first no propositions were accepted, which caused a scandal, so after re-examination four of them were approved. Unfortunately it was reported to the Minister of Education, that the new speed results were worse than before, so the old system once again survived. Another fruitless contest was held in the 1980s.
As a result, the 1923 version of Bezenšek-Gabelsberger remained official until the National Shorthand Institute was shut down in Democratic Bulgaria. Presently, newer systems are taught at universities, but are not regulated and none of them is a monopoly.
[edit] Criticism
• Shading is difficult to express with a ballpoint pen. This also reduces readability for learners.
• Positioning might lead to ambiguity, as the same sign can often mean different things when put at different positions.
• Steep learning curve — the great number of consonantal blends and abbreviations ("sigli") require quite some time for a beginner to start using the system effectively.
• Suitability for Bulgarian is disputed, as the system was created for the unrelated German language, and Bezenšek had become fluent in Bulgarian just shortly before he invented it. To a certain extent, this resulted in some waste of elegant natural strokes for unfrequent sounds, and a redundancy of complex slow strokes for common sounds. Neither does the system fit well with the increasing number of loanwords from English.
Boyd's syllabic shorthand
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Boyd's syllabic shorthand
Type Abugida Shorthand

Spoken languages English

Created by Robert Boyd

Time period 1903-today
Note: This page may contain IPA phonetic symbols in Unicode.

Boyd's syllabic shorthand is a system of shorthand invented by Robert Boyd, published originally in 1903, and updated in 1912. In this system, symbols are distinguished both by orientation and shape, with the shape representing the vowel and the orientation the consonant. Thus, "ab" and "am" would be represented by the same shape of mark (in this case an L-shape), oriented differently; and "ab" and "eb" would be represented by differently shaped marks, oriented the same way.
Syllables with the vowel "a" are represented by L shapes. Those with the vowel "e" are hook-ended, approximately shaped like a "J." (However, a smaller version of the same shape represents an extra consonant without a vowel.) Most of the syllables with the vowel "i" have a shape like the "a" series, except that the angle between the short tick and the long line is approximately 45° rather than 90°; there are a few "i" forms that do not fit the pattern (such as "is" and "it") because they are especially common, and some of the forms that might be expected to represent "i" plus a consonant have been turned to other purposes, such as the prefix "circum-." The syllables with the vowel "o" have circular ends, and those with "u" have hooks like those of the "e" series, but the main, longer part of the mark is curved, rather than straight.
[edit] References
• Robert Boyd. (1903) Boyd's Syllabic Shorthand. Chicago Correspondence Schools.
• Robert Boyd. (1912) Boyd Shorthand Instructor. Boyd Press.
[edit] See also
Current Shorthand was developed beginning in 1884 and published in 1892 by Dr. Henry Sweet. It shares some similarities with the Gregg system, with which Current is contemporary. It uses more ink than classical systems, and whether or not it is fit like them for sustained verbatim reporting has never been established.
The characteristic features of the system are that it is script based, has independent symbols for vowels, and does not use line thickness or position.
There is little evidence that Current Shorthand was publicly successful. George Bernard Shaw wrote that the system's fatal flaw was its author's indifference to business.
Deutsche Einheitskurzschrift
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Deutsche Einheitskurzschrift
Type Shorthand

Spoken languages German

Created by expert committee
Time period 1924-
Parent systems Gabelsberger shorthand
→ Stolze-Schrey shorthand
→ Deutsche Einheitskurzschrift
Note: This page may contain IPA phonetic symbols in Unicode.

Deutsche Einheitskurzschrift (German Unified Shorthand) is a German stenography system. The original version was officially introduced in 1924. In 1968, a revised version was introduced. The shorthand is written in three levels: Verkehrsschrift, Eilschrift and Redeschrift (business script, speed script, and speech script). (These terms, however, were used already some years before that.) Verkehrsschrift can be produced at a rate of 100 to 120 Syllables per minute. Eilschrift and particularly Redeschrift employ contractions and other simplifications to a far greater extent, making rates of up to 475 syllables per minute possible.

The latest reform of the Einheitskurzschrift was concluded in Vienna in 1962 after many years of work, and officially introduced into the German educational system in Mainz in 1968 by the German Kultusministerkonferenz (Conference of Culture Ministers) as the Wiener Urkunde ('Vienna Document') titled Systemurkunde der Deutschen Einheitskurzschrift – Wiener Urkunde – vom 1. August 1968. This may be considered largely the brainchild of Georg Paucker, who (as representative of the German Confederation of Trade Unions) applied himself particularly to the reform negotiations regarding Verkehrsschrift.
Dutton Speedwords
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Dutton Speedwords (ISO 639-3: dws), sometimes called rapmotz, is an international auxiliary language as well a shorthand writing system. It was invented by Reginald J. G. Dutton (1886-1970) in 1922. It was first published in 1935 under the title International Symbolic Script and a year later using the name Speedwords. Revisions were made and published in 1946 and 1951.
The dual function of being both an international language and a shorthand system was intended as a way of encouraging more people to see the value of the method. The original Dutton Speedwords manuals are now out of print, but the method has seen a revival since the start of the 21st century, as its applications on online work have become noted, such as the benefit of using a shorthand method for typing e-mail.
Unlike other shorthand methods, such as Pitman's shorthand, the Speedwords method uses ordinary Roman letters to represent the semantic qualities of words rather than using new symbols. This makes it not only easier to learn, but means it can be typed using a normal keyboard. Each word has only one meaning, so the need for grammar is reduced. The vocabulary of Speedwords uses many international words and compressed forms of the writer's own language.
Dutton conceived Speedwords not only as a system of shorthand but as an auxiliary spoken language; thus, he also provided rules of pronunciation. As a written system only, it is interesting to compare Speedwords to the shorthands used in mobile phone text messages.
The principle behind the choice of word roots of Dutton Speedwords is the maxim that frequently-used words should be shorter than seldom-used words in order to speed up communication (see information theory). Thus, there are 493 one-, two- and three-letter roots. For example, the top twelve most frequently used English words are listed below with their single-letter Dutton Speedword equivalents:
the -- l
of -- d
and -- &
to -- a
in -- i
a -- u
that -- k
is -- e
was -- y
he -- s
for -- f
it -- t
Some two- and three-letter words are
good -- gu
know -- sa
love -- am
beautiful -- bel
language -- lin
game, play -- lud
The few hundred roots are combined through the use of affixes to expand vocabulary. For example: the affix -a indicates an unfavorable connotation to the root-word; thus, bixy = kill, bixya = murder. Some compounds appear fanciful, or at least not immediately transparent, such as ky + luf (eat + air) to mean "picnic". Grammatical features include the use of single letters (as opposed to verb conjugations) to indicate tense; the letter r indicates future tense and y indicates past. Thus, j sa = I know, j ysa = I knew, j r sa = I will know. Nouns and verbs have the same form ( as do many English words: the light, I light, etc.) as do adverbs and adjectives (bel = "beautiful" and "beautifully"). Compounds follow a headnoun-modifier sequence, as in ca + dor (room + sleep) = bedroom.
EasyScript Speed Writing
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EasyScript Speed Writing is a speedwriting method that could potentially be learned quickly by an average person without extensive training and to apply it in any field or occupation. EasyScript was developed by Lenny Levin who came to the United States from Russia in 1979. It was introduced for the first time at a public seminar (Bedford, Massachusetts) in 1990 and a book EasyScript Express was published in 2001 by Legend Publishing.

It is gaining popularity in the United States and other countries around the world such as United Kingdom [1], South Africa [2], New Zealand [3].
• 1 Methods
• 2 Results
• 3 Notes
• 4 References

[edit] Methods
It utilizes basic elements of English grammar such as roots, prefix and All words are divided into five following categories: simple, prefix, suffix, prefix/suffix and compound. EasyScript applies the approach of breaking down a word into a root and prefix and/or suffix and reducing the total number of letters written for each part up to 55%.
1) A SIMPLE word is a word without a prefix or suffix. Examples: be -> b, have -> hv
Rule – 1, 2, 3 character codes depending on word length and frequency of usage
2) A PREFIX word has a participle before the root: as under as in understand
Rule – 1 prefix letter + 2 or 3 root letters. Example: understand-> usta
3) A SUFFIX word has a participle after the root: as able as in available
Rule – 2 or 3 root letters + 1 suffix letter. Example: available-> avab
4) A PREFIX-SUFFIX word has a participle before & after the root: as un & able in unavoidable
Rule – 1 prefix letter + 2 or 3 root letters + 1 suffix letters. Example: unavoidable->uavob
5) A COMPOUND word is made up of words joined together to form another word.
Rule – 1 letter of 1st word + 2 letters of 2nd word separated by slash [/]
• Example: copyright -> c/ri.
Longhand Text – 287 characters
We submit the following list of services available for your special filing. Attendance at the Special Permit Hearing and any changes in drawings will be done on an hourly basis. Additionally, this time frame is subject to obtaining data from your Project Administrator or Coordinator. Customer maintenance can be done at an affordable rate.
EasyScript Text – 129 characters - 55.05% reduction of characters written
W smt tf lst o srvs avb fr yr spl flg. Atc at h Spl Pmt Hrg d ny chs n drwgs wl b dn on an hry bas. Ady, ths tm fm s sjt t obg dt fm yr Pjt Adr r Cor. Cstr mnc cn b dn at an afb rt.
[edit] Results
It was reported that students of EasyScript were able to master the method in one day of study [4] and attain a writing speed of 70 to 80 wpm after three weeks of training. After a further review and practice writing speeds up to 100 words per minute can be attained.
ComputerScript [5] software from Legend Publishing provides automatic transcription from an abbreviated text to readable form. Both ComputerScript [6] and EasyScript use identical abbreviating rules.
[edit] Notes

pendahuluan steno inggris untuk pemula

Halo everybody, selamat datang di situs saya, saya akan mencoba mengupas mengenai stenografi bahasa inggris, yang dalam hal ini saya akan menggunakan sistem karundeng, berikut di dalam daftar isi yang akan saya posting lebih jauh, dimulai dari dasar-dasar yang harus dipersiapkan dalam mempelajari stenoinggris karundeng, yakni :
1. alat tulis : dalam hal ini kita menggunakan pensil 2b, bukan pulpen, apalagi pen
2. kertas hvs dan kertas bergaris : yakni biasakan menggunakan kertas hvs folio namun dilipat menjadi 2 sama dalam posisi portrait dan di steples
3. kertas bergaris , bisa menggunakan buku musik atau buku khusus stenografi, ini penting bagi pemula untuk membedakan ukuran huruf steno
dan yang terakhir adalah keyakinan bahwa ilmu ini akan berguna suatu saat anda akan merasakan manfaatnya, sewaktu mengikuti workshop atau seminar atau project assignment yang mana kita tidak perlu merekam dengan alat perekam baru kemudian ditulis ulang, tapi cukup melatinkan tulisan steno yang telah kita buat. ok? selamat mempelajari dan nikmatilah nuansa baru mempelajari ilmu ini, sudah langka dan banyak yang tidak berminat, tapi penulis sendiri merasakan manfaatnya. see you on next chapter